Our son Kenji-kun has Down’s syndrome.
“I feel sorry …”, “oh too bad…”,
some people simply don’t know what to say.
This may possibly be the image that many people
have for children with Down’s syndrome
along with sympathy for their families,
but this is a misunderstanding.
Down syndrome should not be considered
an illness and should be looked
at in a different light when compared to other children.
Individuals with Down Syndrome with
a little help can live normal lives.

Global Gift Gala
It’s an Honor for Us Vamos Together to be selected as one of many wonderful organizations in Japan as Beneficiary Foundation, Our main Vision is to bring out the individuality and talent of those with and without special needs and guide them into a world where they can live independently.
Global Gift Gala Gallery

Charity Fund
Your donation will help VAMOS TOGETHER fund educational, artistic, and athletic activities. We hope you will join us in our efforts to provide more opportunities for children with special needs, to discover future talents, and most importantly, to put a smile on their faces every day.

Our Mission
Everyone is different, everyone is good!
VAMOS TOGETHER is a non-profit organization that aims to maximize the talents and individuality of special needs children and create a society where they can live independently. Founded in April 2020 by baseball legend Alex Ramirez, who is also the parent of a child with Down syndrome, and his wife, Miho. Aiming for a society where people with disabilities and able-bodied people can live together, the organization conducts activities where everyone can learn and enjoy together, including children with Down syndrome and special needs and able-bodied children. Our mission is to bring smiles to the faces of children and their families every day through our activities, to discover the talents of children and create the strength to live in the future, and to connect children and businesses to create jobs for the future.
This may possibly be the image that many people have of children with Down’s syndrome along with sympathy for their families, but this is a misunderstanding. Down syndrome should not be considered an illness and should be looked at in a different light when compared to other children. Individuals with Down Syndrome with a little help can live normal lives.
Japan is a very kind country eager to help those with Down Syndrome.
This is something that I very much appreciate. Japan I thank you, but sometimes as helpful as you are I think sometimes my son can be over-helped and needs to learn to help himself. There is so much my son Kenji can do on his own, and when Kenji grows up he will be able to stand on his own, find a job and support himself on his own with minimum assistance.
In today’s world, a woman with Down‘s syndrome was cast as a model in Victoria’s Secret show. This is very fantastic to hear! I hope that one day too that something like this can happen in Japan too!
If I can give all children with special needs an opportunity to find their dream through our activities and support families with children who have Down syndrome I will be so happy.

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